


Friday 20th January 2017

Cravings are common during pregnancy, and can range from the stereotypical pickles to more unusual non-food substances. Learn about the possible causes of cravings and how to indulge them safely without affecting the supply of nutrients to your baby.

Cravings in pregnancy

Many mums-to-be experience strong cravings for particular foods when pregnant. These cravings can be caused by fluctuating pregnancy hormones, or your body could be prompting you to eat more of a vitamin or nutrient that you're lacking. If you're craving salty olives, for example, it might be that your body wants you to up your sodium intake.
Even if you've never had an appetite for beetroot or lemon slices before, you may have an insatiable hunger for them when pregnant.

Common pregnancy cravings

Pregnancy cravings range from the healthy to the not-so-healthy and can include:
Sour citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons
Dairy products
Hot, spicy foods
Sweet, sugary treats
Salty snacks
Although your cravings may be strong, it's better to avoid too many unhealthy sugary, salty or fatty foods. Look for healthier options like dried fruit and nuts to satisfy your appetite.

Non-food cravings

'Pica' is the term used to refer to a craving that's non-food based, such as coal, earth or chalk. No-one quite knows why pregnant women experience it, but it could be a symptom of a mineral deficiency 1,2, or the body's way of trying to ease nausea. Pica occurs in pregnant women across the globe, and will normally go away of its own accord after the baby is born.
It may sound obvious but if you experience any non-food cravings, it's important that you don't indulge them. By resisting the cravings you will avoid any harm to you or your baby.
Instead, try to distract yourself by going on an errand, having a bath or eating a nutritious snack or meal. Make sure you inform your midwife or doctor so that they can support you to make sure you are getting the right nutrition from your diet.

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet

Pregnancy cravings come and go, and as your pregnancy continues you may find they become less intense. If you have gestational diabetes, you may crave sweet foods later in your pregnancy, which can worsen the condition. But these cravings usually disappear after birth3.
Be aware that some foods may come with associated risks. If you're craving bacon, for example, you may inadvertently consume high levels of salt4.
A healthy approach is to look for healthier options. Dried fruit may help to ease a sweet craving, while a bowl of unsalted nuts may satisfy a hankering for crisps.
Eating regular nutritious meals is the best way to ensure your baby gets the nutrients they need for healthy development.

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